SmartCAM v2021 Released

SmartCAM v2021 features new Viewer applications which extend the applications scope for SmartCAM; SmartCAM Toolpath / Process Model file read-only capability, designed to be used by any personnel requiring access to information held in the SmartCAM CAM program file. Additionally, the release includes enhancements to the user interface, customization, code generation and macro system capabilities.


Are available for each of the turning, milling, fabrication and wire EDM SmartCAM product application families. SmartCAM Toolpath / Process Model files contain manufacturing information over and above toolpath. Anyone who requires access to toolpath and supporting information and data can benefit from using a SmartCAM Viewer: CAM engineers & machine setter operators reading job information and verifying toolpath during prove-out in the machine shop, tool setters viewing tool reports and other tool & setup information, fixture builders viewing workholding arrangements, Estimators accessing cycle times, sales engineers demonstrating technology when selling a manufacturing or parts service in the field are examples.

Many enhancements are customer-led: they are often in response to requests from the SmartCAM user base. This release is no different. Selected improvements include:

User Interface / Usability & Toolpath Modeling

Layer Manager – A new, more intuitive and easier to use Layer Manager has been added. Add and manage CAD Layers using a new at-a-glance composite interface. CAD Layer management and Layer attribute control interactive tasks and time have been reduced compared to previous methods.

Toolbar Button Editor – improved handling of toolbar content preferences is enabled with a new edit option available on a toolbar right-click menu.

Check Distance – a simple but productive change is the ability to define a Check Distance per tool versus a global setting as previously.


SmartCAM has always been strong on customization. A number of enhancements are included in Version 2021 

Image Support – The SmartCAM Visual Customization ToolKit (VCTK) can now incorporate an image in custom panels and dialog boxes. A picture is worth a thousand words. User interface customizations can be visually enhanced and made easier to use.

Macro Subroutine data – a set of new Macro system commands enables improved access to sub-program definitions and use data.

Code Generators

Is the term used by the SmartCAM community for what are referred to as post processors in other CAM systems. The v2021 Code Generator tool set provides a number of new technical functions to creators of SmartCAM Code Generators.


Finally in this brief summary, SmartCAM is built using the ACIS kernel, which has been updated to ACIS 2020. The ACIS update includes support for Solid Edge Version 2020 native CAD files.

About SmartCAM & SmartCAMcnc

Established more than 30 years, the SmartCAM family of computer-aided manufacturing software provides toolpath modeling and CNC programming for prismatic production work to complex molds, dies, and prototypes. SmartCAMcnc provides affordable maintenance contracts, updates, upgrades and technical support for all SmartCAM users. All SmartCAM applications include standard CAD translators, and optional native CAD translators.

SmartCAMcnc is an Oregon-based company that develops and markets the SmartCAM suite of CAM software for the benefit of its worldwide customer base. Gregg Olson, founder and president of SmartCAMcnc, has been involved in developing CNC programming systems since 1979, with over two decades of experience in various product development capacities for Weber Systems, Point Control, CAMAX, and SDRC.

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