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Folk Medicine

  1. Folk Remedies - alphabetically arranged by ailment, by Health911
  2. Folk Medicine new - archive of worldwide medical folklore, much of it for historical or sociological study, by UCLA
  3. International Home Remedies - comprehensive collection of remedies that use herbs and other natural ingredients, by ESL students
  4. Safe Natural Cures - cures and prevention used and verified by author
  5. Native American Healing Remedies & Folklore - by Littleflowers
  6. Folk Medicine Formulas - short list
  7. Traditional [Native American] Indian Medicine Treatment of Chronic Illness - study of effectiveness compared to modern medicine, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.
  8. A Few Words About Folk Medicine - an argument against an uncritical use of folk medicine, by Dr. Adam Brooke Davis
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