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TenLinks.com - Directory of CAD, CAM and CAE

TenLinks Sites
articles, reviews, tips
free CAD programs
CAD job board
CAD Insider
blog by Roopinder

Webmaster Resources

  1. DevGuru - features, technologies, site maintenance, great code library.
  2. DevEdge Online - news, covers HTML, Java, JavaScript, LDAP, XML and more
  3. ZDNet Developer - coding, design, backend and resources
  4. HTML for Beginners - primer on how to produce documents in HTML, create HTML tables, forms, expanded, semantic HTML
  5. BigNoseBird.com - tutorials, CGI scripts, HTML tricks, more
  6. developerWorks - Java, Linux, open source, security, XML, more, by IBM
  7. HTML Beginner Tutorial - a primer on how to produce documents in HTML, plus links to related resources
  8. Silicon Publishing: Electronic Publishing Resources -  resources cover topics including programming, scripting, XML, XSL and SVG
  9. suggest a link
  10. suggest a link
  • Search Engine Watch - offers tips and information about searching the Web, analysis of the search engine industry and e-newsletters including the monthly Search Engine Report and the daily SeachDay
  • WebCopier - an offline browser that can record entire or partial websites and store them locally until you want to view them offline
  • Tek Tips - tips and information for IT professionals
  • keynote - digital management, development
  • Zvon - offers references, tutorials and interactive tools focused on XML technologies (XSL, CSS, XHTML) which can be downloaded for off-line use